
MicroFrameworkBundle can be installed in new applications as well as existing ones.

We're going to review first the Empty Edition, then the Standard Edition and we'll see what we need to consider for existing applications.

Empty Edition

Symfony applications can be created using distributions, for example the Empty Edition:

composer create-project gnugat/symfony-empty-edition
cd symfony-empty-edition

Then we need to replace FrameworkBundle by MicroFrameworkBundle, first in the composer dependencies:

composer require 'gnugat/micro-framework-bundle'
composer remove --update-with-dependencies 'symfony/framework-bundle'

Then in the app/AppKernel.php file by replacing Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\FrameworkBundle with Gnugat\MicroFrameworkBundle\GnugatMicroFrameworkBundle.

Next, the framework configuration key needs to be removed from app/config/config.yml.

Finally, in the bin/console file replace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Console\Application with Gnugat\MicroFrameworkBundle\Service\KernelApplication as Application.

Standard Edition

There's an official distribution: Standard Edition. It provides pre-installed libraries, but it can be installed in the same manner:

composer create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition
cd framework-standard-edition
composer require 'gnugat/micro-framework-bundle'

Then we need to clean app/AppKernel.php file by removing the following bundles:

  • Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\FrameworkBundle
  • Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\DoctrineBundle (depends on FrameworkBundle specific console Application)
  • Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\SensioFrameworkExtraBundle (depends on annotations)
  • Symfony\Bundle\TwigBundle\TwigBundle (depends on assets)
  • Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\WebProfilerBundle (depends on data collectors)

Don't forget to add Gnugat\MicroFrameworkBundle\GnugatMicroFrameworkBundle.

Next remove configuration for the following keys in app/config/config*.yml:

  • framework
  • doctrine (as well as database_* parameters)
  • web_profiler
  • twig

Extra steps are required for routing:

  1. create a app/config/routings directory
  2. move app/config/routing.yml to app/config/routings/app.yml
  3. switch from annotation to YAML routing configuration in app/config/routings/app.yml:
    path: /
        _controller: app.default_controller:indexAction
        - GET
  4. configure AppBundle\Controller\DefaultController as a service in app/config/services.yml:
            class: AppBundle\Controller\DefaultController
  5. remove FrameworkBundle classes from src/AppBundle/Controller/DefaultController.php:

    namespace AppBundle\Controller;
    use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
    use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
    class DefaultController
        public function indexAction(Request $request)
            return new Response('Hello world');
  6. remove app/config/routing_dev.yml

Finally, in the bin/console file replace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Console\Application with Gnugat\MicroFrameworkBundle\Console\KernelApplication as Application.

Note: Since symfony/symfony is specified as a requirement in composer.json, FrameworkBundle and the removed bundles are still present in the vendors. To get rid of them, specificy instead the actual list of component and bundles.

Existing Applications

Replacing FrameworkBundle with MicroFrameworkBundle might be tricky. Here's a small guide on how to do so.

The first step is to make sure everything is saved, in case we might need to rollback. With git we can commit everything or statsh them.

Then we need to install the bundle:

composer require 'gnugat/micro-framework-bundle'

And register it in app/AppKernel.php by replacing FrameworkBundle.

The next steps are iterations of "try and debug":

  1. remove the cache rm -rf var/cache
  2. try to run the console: bin/console
  3. try to browse pages
  4. run your tests

If any step fails, then:

  • check if there's any configuration to remove
  • check if it's a bundle issue and if so if we can remove it