Loïc Faugeron Technical Blog

Mars Rover, Driving event 07/09/2016

In this series we're building the software of a Mars Rover, according to the following specifications. It allows us to practice the followings:

We've already developed the first use case about landing the rover on mars, and we've started the second one about driving it:

Once a rover has been landed on Mars it is possible to drive them, using instructions such as move_forward (keeps orientation, but moves along the x or y axis) or turn_left / turn_right (keeps the same coordinates, but changes the orientation).

In this article we're going to create the actual driving logic, using Event Sourcing:

cd packages/navigation
git checkout 4-driving


Following our Command Bus twist, we're now going to create the DriveRoverHandler class that's going to take care of the actual logic associated to the DriveRover use case. We're starting by bootstraping the test class:

vendor/bin/phpspec describe 'MarsRover\Navigation\DriveRoverHandler'

This should create the following spec/MarsRover/Navigation/DriveRoverHandlerSpec.php file:


namespace spec\MarsRover\Navigation;

use MarsRover\Navigation\DriveRoverHandler;
use PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior;
use Prophecy\Argument;

class DriveRoverHandlerSpec extends ObjectBehavior
    function it_is_initializable()

Event Sourcing is all about recording significant actions. Driving a rover seems significant enough, so that's what DriveRoverHandler should do:


namespace spec\MarsRover\Navigation;

use MarsRover\EventSourcing\AnEventHappened;
use MarsRover\EventSourcing\Event;
use MarsRover\EventSourcing\EventStore;
use MarsRover\Navigation\DriveRover;
use MarsRover\Navigation\Instruction;
use PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior;

class DriveRoverHandlerSpec extends ObjectBehavior

    const EVENT_NAME = 'rover_driven';
    const EVENT_DATA = [
        'instruction' => self::DRIVING_INSTRUCTION,

    function it_drives_a_rover_with_given_instruction(
        AnEventHappened $anEventHappened,
        Event $roverDriven,
        EventStore $eventStore
    ) {
        $this->beConstructedWith($anEventHappened, $eventStore);
        $driveRover = new DriveRover(



It's very similar to what we've done for LandRoverHandler, all we've done is create and event specific to driving the rover with its instructions and "logged" it in an `EventStore. Let's run the tests:

vendor/bin/phpspec run

They fail because DriveRoverHandler doesn't exists, but phpspec bootstrapped it for us in the src/MarsRover/Navigation/DriveRoverHandler.php file:


namespace MarsRover\Navigation;

use MarsRover\EventSourcing\AnEventHappened;
use MarsRover\EventSourcing\EventStore;

class DriveRoverHandler
    private $anEventHappened;

    private $eventStore;

    public function __construct(AnEventHappened $anEventHappened, EventStore $eventStore)
        $this->anEventHappened = $anEventHappened;
        $this->eventStore = $eventStore;

    public function handle(DriveRover $driveRover)

Thanks to the SpecGen extension, phpspec was able to detect Dependency Injection, and bootstrapped a constructor with an attribute initialization for us. How nice!

We'll just need to complete the handle method:


namespace MarsRover\Navigation;

use MarsRover\EventSourcing\{

class DriveRoverHandler
    const EVENT_NAME = 'rover_driven';

    private $anEventHappened;
    private $eventStore;

    public function __construct(
        AnEventHappened $anEventHappened,
        EventStore $eventStore
    ) {
        $this->anEventHappened = $anEventHappened;
        $this->eventStore = $eventStore;

    public function handle(DriveRover $driveRover)
        $roverDriven = $this->anEventHappened->justNow(self::EVENT_NAME, [
            'instruction' => $driveRover->getInstruction()->get(),

Overall, the code looks very similar to the test. Let's run them again:

vendor/bin/phpspec run

All green! We're going to do a quick refactoring to move the event name in the src/MarsRover/Navigation/Events.php file:


namespace MarsRover\Navigation;

class Events
    const ROVER_LANDED = 'rover_landed';
    const ROVER_DRIVEN = 'rover_driven';

Then use it in the code:


namespace MarsRover\Navigation;

use MarsRover\EventSourcing\{

class DriveRoverHandler
    private $anEventHappened;
    private $eventStore;

    public function __construct(
        AnEventHappened $anEventHappened,
        EventStore $eventStore
    ) {
        $this->anEventHappened = $anEventHappened;
        $this->eventStore = $eventStore;

    public function handle(DriveRover $driveRover)
        $roverDriven = $this->anEventHappened->justNow(Events::ROVER_DRIVEN, [
            'instruction' => $driveRover->getInstruction()->get(),

and finally in the test:


namespace spec\MarsRover\Navigation;

use MarsRover\EventSourcing\AnEventHappened;
use MarsRover\EventSourcing\Event;
use MarsRover\EventSourcing\EventStore;
use MarsRover\Navigation\DriveRover;
use MarsRover\Navigation\Events;
use MarsRover\Navigation\Instruction;
use PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior;

class DriveRoverHandlerSpec extends ObjectBehavior

    const EVENT_NAME = Events::ROVER_DRIVEN;
    const EVENT_DATA = [
        'instruction' => self::DRIVING_INSTRUCTION,

    function it_drives_a_rover_with_given_instruction(
        AnEventHappened $anEventHappened,
        Event $roverDriven,
        EventStore $eventStore
    ) {
        $this->beConstructedWith($anEventHappened, $eventStore);
        $driveRover = new DriveRover(



We can run the tests one last time:

vendor/bin/phpspec run

Still green! We can commit our work:

git add -A
git commit -m '4: Created DriveRoverHandler'
git checkout master
git merge --no-ff 4-driving


With Event Sourcing, the logic associated to our "Driving a Rover on Mars" use case is quite simple: we just record it as an event.

What's next?

In the next article, we'll create a new package to take care of the last use case: "Requesting the Rover's location".