Loïc Faugeron Technical Blog

Mars Rover, Driving instruction 17/08/2016

In this series we're building the software of a Mars Rover, according to the following specifications. It allows us to practice the followings:

We've already developed the first use case about landing the rover on mars, and we've started the second one about driving it:

Once a rover has been landed on Mars it is possible to drive them, using instructions such as move_forward (keeps orientation, but moves along the x or y axis) or turn_left / turn_right (keeps the same coordinates, but changes the orientation).

In this article we're going to refactor DriveRover:

cd packages/navigation
git checkout -b 4-driving


By having a look at DriveRover, we can guess that it has 1 reason to change: the list of instruction might grow bigger.

This hints toward one new class: Instruction. Let's get cracking!


First let's bootstrap the test class using phpspec:

vendor/bin/phpspec describe 'MarsRover\Navigation\Instruction'

This will create the following spec/MarsRover/Navigation/InstructionSpec.php file:


namespace spec\MarsRover\Navigation;

use MarsRover\Navigation\Instruction;
use PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior;
use Prophecy\Argument;

class InstructionSpec extends ObjectBehavior
    function it_is_initializable()

We can edit it reusing what we've done in DriveRover test class, only with more information about the possible instruction:


namespace spec\MarsRover\Navigation;

use PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior;

class InstructionSpec extends ObjectBehavior
    const MOVE_FORWARD = 'move_forward';
    const TURN_LEFT = 'turn_left';
    const TURN_RIGHT = 'turn_right';

    const INVALID_INSTRUCTION = 'wake_up_polly_parrot';

    function it_can_be_move_forward()


    function it_can_be_turn_left()


    function it_can_be_turn_right()


    function it_cannot_be_anything_else()


Since this test is dedicated to instructions, we feel more free than in DriveRover to describe all the possible instructions. If we run the tests now, phpspec will bootstrap the Instruction class for us:

vendor/bin/phpspec run

Indeed, it created the src/MarsRover/Navigation/Instruction.php file:


namespace MarsRover\Navigation;

class Instruction
    public function __construct($argument)

    public function get()

All that's left for us to do is complete it, we can reuse the code in DriveRover:


namespace MarsRover\Navigation;

class Instruction
    const MOVE_FORWARD = 'move_forward';
    const TURN_LEFT = 'turn_left';
    const TURN_RIGHT = 'turn_right';


    private $instruction;

    public function __construct($instruction)
        if (false === in_array($instruction, self::VALID_INSTRUCTIONS, true)) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
                'Instruction should be one of: '
                .implode(', ', self::VALID_INSTRUCTIONS)
        $this->instruction = $instruction;

    public function get() : string
        return $this->instruction;

We can now run the tests:

vendor/bin/phpspec run

All green! Instruction is ready to be used in DriveRover, so let's update its test:


namespace spec\MarsRover\Navigation;

use MarsRover\Navigation\Instruction;
use PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior;

class DriveRoverSpec extends ObjectBehavior

    function it_has_a_driving_instruction()


We no longer need to check for invalid instructions as we trust Instruction to take care of it for us. Now let's update its code:


namespace MarsRover\Navigation;

class DriveRover
    private $instruction;

    public function __construct($instruction)
        $this->instruction = new Instruction($instruction);

    public function getInstruction() : Instruction
        return $this->instruction;

And that should make our tests pass:

vendor/bin/phpspec run

All green! We can refactor Instruction test class a bit, by reusing Instruction constants:


namespace spec\MarsRover\Navigation;

use MarsRover\Navigation\Instruction;
use PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior;

class InstructionSpec extends ObjectBehavior
    const MOVE_FORWARD = Instruction::MOVE_FORWARD;
    const TURN_LEFT = Instruction::TURN_LEFT;
    const TURN_RIGHT = Instruction::TURN_RIGHT;

    const INVALID_INSTRUCTION = 'wake_up_polly_parrot';

    function it_can_be_move_forward()


    function it_can_be_turn_left()


    function it_can_be_turn_right()


    function it_cannot_be_anything_else()


Let's run the tests one last time:

vendor/bin/phpspec run

All grin ;) . That's enough for us to commit our work:

git add -A
git commit -m '4: Created Instruction'


We've refactored DriveRover by extracting an Instruction value object. It allowed us to write more tests to describe all the possible values.

What's next

In the next article, we'll write the actual driving logic.