0.0.8: Created ssc/cs-tk - format-to-pcs

Maintaining a Coding Standard configuration is hard.

With format-to-pcs, you get to see what the SSC CS config would look like if you had manually configured your PHP CS Fixer with equivalent settings.


php ./packages/cs-tk/bin/format-to-pcs.php

Will print:


$finder = (new PhpCsFixer\Finder())

return (new PhpCsFixer\Config())
        '@Symfony' => true,
        'psr_autoloading' => true,
        'php_unit_method_casing' => [
            'case' => 'snake_case',

0.0.7: Upgrading ssc/cs

  • added config, public and var to the list of excluded folders

0.0.6: Fixed coucsous

0.0.5: Tidied up project

  • Configured and Applied ssc/cs in all of ssc/lib
  • Fixed documentation typo
  • Updated couscous

0.0.4: Created ssc/cs

Shared Coding Standards configuration, for SSC.

Provides PHP CS Fixer configuration, with default for the SSC projects.

Configure in .php-cs-fixer.dist.php:


return \Ssc\Cs\ConfigBuilder::forPath(__DIR__)
        name: 'ssc/lib',
        owners: [[
            'name' => 'Loïc Faugeron',
            'email' => '',

0.0.3: Tidied up project

  • Introduced Coding Standards
  • Added License headers
  • Harmonised composer.json files

0.0.2: Created ssc/exception

When an error occurs, one of the following exception has to be thrown:

  • 400 ClientErrorException: request with malformed syntax (example: invalid JSON)
  • 401 UnauthorizedException: an authentication error (missing or invalid credentials)
  • 403 ForbiddenException: an authorization error (credentials found and valid, but not allowed for this resource)
  • 404 NotFoundException: an error when trying to locate a resource (doesn't exist or has been removed)
  • 422 ValidationFailedException: an error when trying to validate a resource
  • 500 ServerErrorException: application crashed

All of those exceptions are a subtype of SscException which provides the possibility to add an error code:

throw NotFoundException::make('No Product found for ID 42')

0.0.1: First Monorepo Test

  • Testing monorepo-builder, round 1

0.0.0: Initiated

  • ssc/lib created