Loïc Faugeron Technical Blog

Master Symfony2 - Conclusion 08/10/2014

Deprecated: This series has been re-written - see The Ultimate Developer Guide to Symfony

This is the conclusion of the series on mastering the Symfony2 framework. Have a look at the five articles:

It quickly sums up what we've seen and provides some directions to the next steps, for those interrested in learning more (there's always more!).


In these 6 articles, we've learned how to master Symfony2 through:

  1. the usage of distributions to bootstrap our projects
  2. the writing of simple functional tests (we used TDD/PHPUnit but any methodology/Framework can be used)
  3. the creation of services and entities (where our business related code actually lies)
  4. the usage of a third party library (Doctrine)
  5. the extension of the framework via events (change the Request and Response at will)
  6. the configuration via annotations, allowing to reduce the distance with the code

As a bonus, we've also seen:

Going further

There's still a deal lot more to learn, but with this series we've hopefully seen the strict minimum to create any day to day application with deep knowledge on how to extend the framework and where to put our code.

We've seen Symfony as a full stack framework: it deals with the HTTP protocol for you. But the truth is that Symfony is a collection of third party libraries before anything else. Here's a short selection of its available components:

Do you want to go further? Then have a look a these fabulous resources: